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Quiet Time for Toddlers: 5 Tips for Dropping the Afternoon Nap

When your toddler begins to outgrow his afternoon nap, his little body still needs down time to rest and reflect. Rebranding the afternoon nap as Quiet Time allows for your child to spend that time doing quiet, independent activities in his room. This is an opportunity for your child’s body and brain to rest and slow down after he no longer takes an afternoon nap, and it gives you a much needed mid-day break.

Here are 5 ways to transition that coveted naptime into a Quiet Time, for both you and your toddler.

Set a schedule and stick to it. If you have a scheduled time in your day where your child naps, keep that same time and just rebrand it to Quiet Time.  Introduce the concept of Quiet Time to your child- how he doesn’t need to sleep, but he does need to stay in his room and play quietly for a certain amount of time. When you are first starting Quiet Time, start slow- try 15 minutes at first. Increase the time every day until he successfully plays for the full time.

Set expectations ahead of time, and frame it as Quiet Time for everyone. After lunch time, we all need to rest. Everyone goes into their rooms, and they can either nap or do a quiet activity. Set firm, clear, and consistent boundaries.

Choose activities for Quiet Time. Your child should have access to quiet play items during this time. Dollhouses, blocks, cars, and trains are great Quiet Time toys that allow your child to use his imagination. You can even create Quiet Time boxes with special toys your child can only access during Quiet Time. In a household with multiple children, this is also a great way to have toys that belong just to them. Books and calm music are also relaxing Quiet Time activities.

Have a set Quiet Time space. The best place for Quiet Time is in your toddler’s bedroom. He is used to going there for naptime, and he can still lay down if he feels like he needs to rest. However, if your children share a room, it is best to separate them for Quiet Time. One child can remain in the bedroom, and one can go to another room, such as the living room.

Get a special clock for a dramatic wake up. OK to Wake and Tot Clocks are great to use because they will change color when it has reached the predetermined end of Quiet Time. Be sure to praise your child for staying in his room, and for playing so nicely! You can even create a sticker chart and set up rewards for every good quiet time if you feel like your child needs to see evidence of his success.


Be patient and consistent with your toddler, set them up with quiet play activities, and give lots of praise for a job well done. Everyone (including you!) needs time in their day to be alone. This unstructured time will enhance his creativity and improve his mood. Make quiet time a part of your family’s schedule and enjoy the recharge and balance that comes with it.


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